First National Bank of Omaha Corporate

First National Bank of Omaha has 121 banking locations. Their corporate headquarters address is listed as: 1601 Capitol Avenue in Omaha Nebraska.

This corporate page for First National Bank of Omaha includes ratings, links to all First National Bank of Omaha branch profiles locations, reviews, corporate details, directions, office hours, online banking website, and branch locations.

First National Bank of Omaha Headquarters
First National Bank of Omaha Corporate Headquarters Address:
First National Bank of Omaha
1601 Capitol Avenue
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
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If you are not looking for their corporate location, but a First National Bank of Omaha branch location close to you or somewhere else:
Simply enter the city and/or zip code below, and we will return all First National Bank of Omaha branches in that area.
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First National Bank of Omaha Headquarters Map
First National Bank of Omaha Location Area Map

First National Bank of Omaha Lobby Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
First National Bank of Omaha Overview
This section was Last checked and updated, on our end, 1/28/2024.
Bank's Headquarters:
1601 Capitol Avenue
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
Became FDIC Insured:
Corporate Website:
Corporate Structure
Number of Branches:
US Bank Branches:
Foreign Offices:
Bank Class:
Commercial bank, national (federal) charter and Fed member, supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).
Last Structure Change:
Bank Specialty/Focus:
All Other Over 1 Billion
Bank Holding Company:
Parent FDIC Cert#:
NA - Not listed as a child of a larger bank.
SAIF Insured:
State Chartered:
Financial Snapshot
Deposits Held Domestically:
Equity Capital:
Net Income:
Additional Websites where they accept or solicit for deposits:
FDIC Oversight
FDIC Region:
FDIC Supervisory Region:
Kansas City
Federal Reserve District:
Kansas City
FDIC Field Office:
Branch Locations for First National Bank of Omaha
Generic Bank Image - No Logo available
The following is a directory of all branch offices for First National Bank of Omaha. Below that are any complaints and ratings available as well as the ability to leave one yourself if you wish :)
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2305 MAIN STREET BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
2305 Main St
Longmont, Colorado 68102
Louisville Branch - First National Bank Of Omaha
515 Mccaslin Blvd
Louisville, Colorado 68102
LOVELAND CENTERRA BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
1450 Boyd Lake Ave
Loveland, Colorado 68102
NORTH LINCOLN BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
750 N Lincoln Ave
Loveland, Colorado 68102
Peak View Branch - First National Bank of Omaha
152 W 64th St
Loveland, Colorado 68102
MITCHELL BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
210 N Lawler St
Mitchell, South Dakota 68102
1500 MARKET LANE BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
1500 Market Ln
Norfolk, Nebraska 68102
North Branch Norfolk - First National Bank Of Omaha
315 North 4th Street
Norfolk, Nebraska 68102
SOUTH BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
201 E Francis St
North Platte, Nebraska 68102
NORTH PLATTE BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
201 N Dewey St
North Platte, Nebraska 68102
OLATHE BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
13518 S Alden St
Olathe, Kansas 68102
DODGE STREET BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
11404 W Dodge Rd
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
24TH AND OAK BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
2930 S 24th St
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
90TH AND FORT BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
5504 N 90th St
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
SOUTH 144TH STREET BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
5812 S 144th St
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
L STREET BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
3305 L St
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
168TH & MAPLE ROAD BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
16770 W Maple Rd
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
132ND AND MAPLE BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
13310 W Maple Rd
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
First National Bank of Omaha - First National Bank of Omaha
1601 Capitol Avenue
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
132ND STREET BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
2605 S 133rd Plz
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
51ST AND CENTER BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
5150 Center St
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
WMG MOBILE BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
1620 Dodge St
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
5006 AMES AVENUE BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
5006 Ames Ave
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
84TH AND FREDERICK BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
8418 Frederick St
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
24TH STREET BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
4827 S 24th St
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
North 90th Street Branch - First National Bank Of Omaha
3205 North 90th Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
180th And Q Branch - First National Bank Of Omaha
17810 Welch Plaza
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
12th And Howard Branch - First National Bank Of Omaha
1123 Howard Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
South 167th Plaza Branch - First National Bank Of Omaha
8311 S. 167th Plz.
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
OSWEGO BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
6601 Route 34
Oswego, Illinois 68102
OSWEGO MOBILE BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
6601 Route 34
Oswego, Illinois 68102
OVERLAND PARK BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
9700 Metcalf Ave
Overland Park, Kansas 68102
Blue Valley Parkway Branch - First National Bank of Omaha
7335 W 119th St
Overland Park, Kansas 68102
College Square Branch - First National Bank of Omaha
12260 College Blvd
Overland Park, Kansas 68102
BLUHAWK BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
7901 W 159th St
Overland Park, Kansas 68102
COLLEGE BLVD BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
4650 College Blvd
Overland Park, Kansas 68102
135TH AND ANTIOCH BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
8800 W 135th St
Overland Park, Kansas 68102
SHADOW LAKE TOWNE CENTER BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
7960 Towne Center Pkwy
Papillion, Nebraska 68102
Plano Mobile Branch - First National Bank Of Omaha
11000 Us 34
Plano, Illinois 68102
Plano Branch - First National Bank Of Omaha
11000 Us 34
Plano, Illinois 68102
Plano Branch - First National Bank of Omaha
1300 Preston Rd
Plano, Texas 68102
Platteville Branch - First National Bank Of Omaha
390 Justin Avenue
Platteville, Colorado 68102
CASTLE/SANDWICH BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
100 W Church St
Sandwich, Illinois 68102
SCOTTSBLUFF BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
1926 Broadway
Scottsbluff, Nebraska 68102
SHAWNEE BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
6301 Pflumm Rd
Shawnee, Kansas 68102
SUGAR GROVE MOBILE BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
36 E Galena Blvd
Sugar Grove, Illinois 68102
SUGAR GROVE BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
36 E Galena Blvd
Sugar Grove, Illinois 68102
SYCAMORE MOBILE BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
511 W State St
Sycamore, Illinois 68102
SYCAMORE BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
511 W State St
Sycamore, Illinois 68102
WELLINGTON BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
4100 Harrison
Wellington, Colorado 68102
Westminster Branch - First National Bank Of Omaha
8531 Church Ranch Boulevard
Westminster, Colorado 68102
WINDSOR BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
1505 Main St
Windsor, Colorado 68102
WOONSOCKET BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
505 W 7th St
Woonsocket, South Dakota 68102
YORKVILLE MOBILE BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
109 W Veterans Pkwy
Yorkville, Illinois 68102
YORKVILLE BRANCH - First National Bank of Omaha
109 W Veterans Pkwy
Yorkville, Illinois 68102
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First National Bank of Omaha Complaints

View More First National Bank of Omaha Complaints:
1 2
Complaint ID: 7937266

Product: Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports

Sub-Product: Credit reporting

Issue: Improper use of your report

Subissue: Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize


Complaint: I received a credit alert on XX/XX/23 from XXXX XXXX stating that someone opened a credit card under my name. This was done without my knowledge and consent. I called FNBO and informed them of this so they put a freeze on my account. They recommended that I notify the Credit Bureau in which I did.

Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

Complaint ID: 7920631

Product: Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports

Sub-Product: Credit reporting

Issue: Incorrect information on your report

Subissue: Account information incorrect


Complaint: This debt engaged in abusive, deceptive and unfair practices of the FDCPA which prohibits. They furnished this account that we didnt agree upon and I didnt sign an agreement on. A legal contract is signed by two parties and I did not participate in any of it. More so they didnt follow the proper 5 step validation procedure which make this unfair practices. According to the FDCPA Im entitled to XXXX dollars per violation and clearly they violated my rights.

Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

Complaint ID: 7912286

Product: Checking or savings account

Sub-Product: Savings account

Issue: Managing an account

Subissue: Deposits and withdrawals


Complaint: I have a savings account with the XXXX XXXX a subsidiary of First National Bank of Omaha. XXXX XXXX is a privately held e-bank, FDIC-insured institution, that is not affiliated with the Federal Reserve System . Since XXXX I have been making ACH transfers from one of my XXXX XXXX accounts. Out of nowhere, XXXX XXXX restricted my ability to withdraw MY money from my savings account. XXXX didnt give me any explanation or inform me of how long this restriction will be in place. XXXX claims they are investigating suspicious activity I invited XXXXXXXX to check my credit report and contact the FBI and the IRS. They responded by asking me for an ID and a XXXX XXXX statement and the restriction continued without an explanation. They sent me an encrypted email to which I should reply and attach the information requested. The first reply to the encrypted email was not successful so we did it again. I have asked for three consecutive days if they received the information and they have ignored my emails. Bottom line, XXXX is blocking MY money, turning my savings account into an irretrievable deposit, and ignoring my emails. Can the investigation continue indefinitely? How can the bank regulators allow this abuse to happen? Even the police are required to show cause to act, but not the bankers. XXXX XXXXXXXX is acting more like a scam than a legitimate bank. Profiling based on perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, or religion is patently illegal, it violates the U.S. Constitutions core promises of equal protection under the law to all and freedom from searches and seizures without evidence of criminal activity. Accordingly, show me the evidence of criminal activity or lift the restriction.

Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

View More First National Bank of Omaha Complaints:
1 2

First National Bank of Omaha Reviews and Ratings

Average Customer Rating

2 out of 5 stars from 15 reviews.

5452-First National Bank of Omaha


[-] means a part of a review was redacted. Names, profanity, phone numbers, account numbers, and email addresses being the main reasons. False positives happen as well, better to ere on the side of safety we think.

First National Bank of Omaha Name Changes
The following are other names First National Bank of Omaha has been known by over the years:

In 1988 their name became: First National Bank of Omaha.

First National Bank of Omaha Headquarters' Locations
The following addresses are where First National Bank of Omaha has had their headquarters:

Moved From: SIXTEENTH AND FARNAM STREETS to One First National Center, Omaha, NE 68102.

Moved From: ONE FIRST NATIONAL CENTER to 16th And Dodge Streets, 10th Floor West, Omaha, NE 68102.

Moved From: 16TH AND DODGE STREETS, 10TH FLOOR WEST to 16th And Dodge Streets, Omaha, NE 68102.

Moved From: 16TH AND DODGE STREETS to 16th And Dodge Streets, Omaha, NE 68197.

Moved From: 16TH AND DODGE STREETS to 1620 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE 68197.

Moved From: 1620 DODGE STREET to 1601 Capitol Avenue, Omaha, NE 68102.

First National Bank of Omaha Mergers and Acquisitions
The following shows transitions that are what have ultimately result in First National Bank of Omaha becoming what it is today, for better or worse.

First Security Bank & Trust Co. (1988)
First of Omaha Savings Co. (1989)
First State Bank (2001)
Mills County Bank National Association (2008)
InfiBank, National Association (2010)
First National Bank (2010)
Castle Bank, National Association (2010)
First National Bank of Kansas (2010)
First National Bank (2014)
First National Bank & Trust Company of Columbus (2014)
Platte Valley State Bank & Trust Company (2014)
The Fremont National Bank and Trust Company (2014)
First National Bank South Dakota (2014)
Western States Bank (2022)