The Bank of Baker Corporate

The Bank of Baker has 1 banking locations. Their corporate headquarters address is listed as: 116 S Main St in Baker Montana.

This corporate page for The Bank of Baker includes ratings, links to all The Bank of Baker branch profiles locations, reviews, corporate details, directions, their phone number, online banking website, and branch locations.

The Bank of Baker Headquarters
The Bank of Baker Corporate Headquarters Address:
The Bank of Baker
116 S Main St
Baker, Montana 59313
Get mobile directions from current location:
or enter a starting address:

The Bank of Baker Headquarters Phone Number: (605) 589-3313

If you are not looking for their corporate location, but a The Bank of Baker branch location close to you or somewhere else:
Simply enter the city and/or zip code below, and we will return all The Bank of Baker branches in that area.
Skip to Ratings and Reviews
The Bank of Baker Headquarters Map
The Bank of Baker Location Area Map

The Bank of Baker Overview
Bank's Headquarters:
116 S Main St
Baker, Montana 59313
Became FDIC Insured:
Corporate Website:
Corporate Structure
Number of Branches:
US Bank Branches:
Foreign Offices:
Bank Class:
Commercial bank, state charter and Fed nonmember, supervised by the FDIC.
Last Structure Change:
Bank Specialty/Focus:
Agricultural Specialization
Bank Holding Company:
Parent FDIC Cert#:
NA - Not listed as a child of a larger bank.
SAIF Insured:
State Chartered:
Financial Snapshot
Deposits Held Domestically:
Equity Capital:
Net Income:
FDIC Oversight
FDIC Region:
FDIC Supervisory Region:
San Francisco
Federal Reserve District:
San Francisco
FDIC Field Office:
The Bank of Baker ABA Routing Number Lookup
The ABA allows 2 lookups per day. You will have to agree to their terms and fill out their search box with the bank's name, city, and select the state and you should get their routing number(s) for that location.
If that sounds good just use this link: The Bank of Baker in Baker, Montana to get their routing number
parts of a check - routing account number
Branch Locations for The Bank of Baker
Generic Bank Image - No Logo available
The following is a listing of all branch offices for The Bank of Baker - below that are any complaints and ratings available as well as the ability to leave a rating and or a review yourself if you wish :)
To find branches near you it is usually easiest to enter the bank, city, and state in the search box below. Or search by your city at Banks by State

Pages: 1
The Bank of Baker - The Bank of Baker
116 S Main St
Baker, Montana 59313
Pages: 1

The Bank of Baker Reviews and Ratings

Average Customer Rating

3 out of 5 stars from 9 reviews.

352-The Bank of Baker


[-] means a part of a review was redacted. Names, profanity, phone numbers, account numbers, and email addresses being the main reasons. False positives happen as well, better to ere on the side of safety we think.

5 stars

Reviewed on August 13 2021 by Mae L


5 stars

Reviewed on July 08 2021 by Joseph

Customer service rep went in qnd closed [-] account out of spite after phone call was completed. Customer swrvice is unknowledgeble amd all over [-] place. Communication skills and record keeping wpuld rate [-]

1 stars

Reviewed on February 10 2021 by Brian


5 stars

Reviewed on December 16 2020 by Aaron M

They gave [-] a fake $100 [-] and then we’re rude and wouldn’t [-] anything about it “ because I left [-] bank with it.”

1 stars

Reviewed on July 20 2020 by Jack

This bank is very bad. I am posting [-] story here now, hoping to make a reference for those friends who want to become their customers.

I was very excited when I saw [-] Ridge Bank, N.A. on Google because they provide a free checking account. Then I called them on [-] second working day, but unfortunately, none of them answered [-] call. I didn’t give up, I emailed them, excitingly, I received their reply via email [-] next day. Then, I told them [-] needs and all [-] [-] I faced during [-] pandemic. Soon I received their reply, and they told [-] that their free checking account can meet [-] needs, and those [-] I face [-] not affect [-] to [-] a free checking account. I remember very clearly that I confirmed to them twice about these issues, they still told [-] that these [-] would not affect [-] as their customer. So [-] I have been very excited and [-]. Next, they asked [-] to submit [-] account opening application on their website, [-] second month after [-] application was submitted, they finally responded to [-], and they asked [-] to send [-] [-] IDs to them, and sign [-] application, and I also deposited 100$ into [-] [-] account via wire transfer and paid a wire transfer receiving fee of 16$ (they cannot make deposits through ACH.). Then [-] next day they sent [-] [-] online banking details. All this seems perfect. But unfortunately, [-] problem started a month later, suddenly they sent [-] [-] email and asked [-] to provide more documents to be able to continue to use [-] account. I was very surprised and tried to explain to them again [-] [-] I am facing during [-] pandemic. Then they understood [-] difficulties and gave [-] a month to prepare these documents. Unfortunately, during [-] pandemic, [-] relevant departments were unable to answer [-] phone.

Really, I was very disappointed after I got online banking details, because [-] UI of their online banking [-] is very bad and [-] mobile app is also very difficult to use. In fact, they [-] to close [-] account and I [-]'t feel any pity.

At [-] beginning of [-], I was suddenly unable to login to [-] online banking account. Then I sent [-] email and called them to ask them why. They did not reply to [-] emails, but just called [-] back and told [-] that they would help [-] to reset [-] online bank account. And they never told [-] that [-] account has been closed, as of today, they have not wanted to refund [-] money. I am very angry. I have sent them another email and called them. Ah, I just [-] they can refund [-] money.

If you want to be their customer, please [-]'t trust their [-], because they won't tell you [-] truth. Put another way, they just want your money.

5 stars

Reviewed on June 10 2020 by James E

Check it out

1 stars

Reviewed on May 12 2020 by Vaughan L

This bank is a fraud they stole $200.00 from [-]. They lied about their no fee checking accounts. When I was in [-] drive through during [-] Covid crisis. I was promised by a manager that I would get [-] money back. They lied.. This bank is a rip off. [-] not bank here. They are dishonest. Incompetent liars.

5 stars

Reviewed on February 16 2020 by Mrs. L

I have been a customer for over 20 years and was treated terribly by [-] [-] bank manager [-] Rivers Bernasconi She was aggressive and yelling at [-] in front of everyone at [-] bank even though I asked her to slow down and not yell. I am disabled but she did not care, and at one point asked [-] what I [-] for a living. Weeks later, I received a letter that all [-] accounts are closed with no explanation or recourse! I was not overdrawn on [-] account and was active on all accounts at Citizens. This location has had a reputation for bad customer service through [-] years but this is inexcusable.

2 stars

Reviewed on April 11 2018 by Alfred R

Consumer [-] officer could not provide a vehicle [-] for a [-]. A customer with a credit score of 800 having savings and checking accounts with direct deposits in excess of $3,000 [-] month. Went down [-] street and had [-] needed funds approved within 25 minutes. You need to give your [-] officers [-] ability to support your A customers.

The Bank of Baker Headquarters' Locations
The following addresses are where The Bank of Baker has had their headquarters:

Moved From: MAIN STREET to Main Street, Baker, MT 59313.

Moved From: MAIN STREET to 116 S Main Street, Baker, MT 59313.