Union Savings Bank Corporate

Union Savings Bank has 37 banking locations. Their corporate headquarters address is listed as: 8805 Governors Hill Dr in Cincinnati Ohio.

This corporate page for Union Savings Bank includes ratings, links to all Union Savings Bank branch profiles locations, reviews, corporate details, directions, their phone number, online banking website, and branch locations.

Union Savings Bank Headquarters
Union Savings Bank Corporate Headquarters Address:
Union Savings Bank
8805 Governors Hill Dr
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249
Get mobile directions from current location:
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Union Savings Bank Headquarters Phone Number: (513) 247-0300

If you are not looking for their corporate location, but a Union Savings Bank branch location close to you or somewhere else:
Simply enter the city and/or zip code below, and we will return all Union Savings Bank branches in that area.
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Union Savings Bank Headquarters Map
Union Savings Bank Location Area Map

Union Savings Bank Overview
Bank's Headquarters:
8805 Governors Hill Dr
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249
Became FDIC Insured:
Corporate Website:
Corporate Structure
Number of Branches:
US Bank Branches:
Foreign Offices:
Bank Class:
Last Structure Change:
Bank Specialty/Focus:
Mortgage Lending Specialization
Bank Holding Company:
Parent FDIC Cert#:
NA - Not listed as a child of a larger bank.
SAIF Insured:
State Chartered:
Financial Snapshot
Deposits Held Domestically:
Equity Capital:
Net Income:
Additional Websites where they accept or solicit for deposits:
FDIC Oversight
FDIC Region:
FDIC Supervisory Region:
Federal Reserve District:
FDIC Field Office:
Union Savings Bank ABA Routing Number Lookup
The ABA allows 2 lookups per day. You will have to agree to their terms and fill out their search box with the bank's name, city, and select the state and you should get their routing number(s) for that location.
If that sounds good just use this link: Union Savings Bank in Cincinnati, Ohio to get their routing number
parts of a check - routing account number
Branch Locations for Union Savings Bank
Generic Bank Image - No Logo available
The following is a listing of all branch offices for Union Savings Bank - below that are any complaints and ratings available as well as the ability to leave a rating and or a review yourself if you wish :)
To find branches near you it is usually easiest to enter the bank, city, and state in the search box below. Or search by your city at Banks by State

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2237 S Curry Pike
Bloomington, Indiana 45249
Chillicothe Brance Branch - Union Savings Bank
1240 N Bridge Street
Chillicothe, Ohio 45249
6701 HAMILTON AVE BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
6701 Hamilton Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249
EASTGATE BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
843 Eastgate South Dr
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249
7435 Kenwood Rd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249
HYDE PARK BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
2691 Madison Rd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249
Union Savings Bank - Union Savings Bank
8805 Governors Hill Dr
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249
8320 Plainfield Rd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249
2137 Beechmont Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249
FOREST PARK - Union Savings Bank
1160 Kemper Meadow Dr
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249
Rockside Branch - Union Savings Bank
6400 Rockside Road
Cleveland, Ohio 45249
COLUMBUS IN BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
2655 Central Ave
Columbus, Indiana 45249
DUBLIN BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
3550 W Dublin Granville Rd
Columbus, Ohio 45249
COLUMBUS BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
1330 Morse Rd
Columbus, Ohio 45249
5651 Far Hills Ave
Dayton, Ohio 45249
ENGLEWOOD BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
525 W National Rd
Englewood, Ohio 45249
FAIRBORN BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
2794 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Fairborn, Ohio 45249
FAIRFIELD BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
721 Wessel Dr
Fairfield, Ohio 45249
FT WAYNE BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
1499 W Dupont Rd
Fort Wayne, Indiana 45249
FRANKLIN BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
1040 E 2nd St
Franklin, Ohio 45249
GIBSONIA BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
5556 William Flynn Hwy
Gibsonia, Pennsylvania 45249
GREENWOOD BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
91 Byrd Way
Greenwood, Indiana 45249
GROVE CITY BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
4090 Hoover Rd
Grove City, Ohio 45249
MAIN STREET BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
1225 Main St
Hamilton, Ohio 45249
5881 E 82nd St
Indianapolis, Indiana 45249
KETTERING BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
3030 Woodman Dr
Kettering, Ohio 45249
1654 EAST MAIN STREET BRANCH - Union Savings Bank
1654 E Main St
Lancaster, Ohio 45249
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Union Savings Bank Reviews and Ratings

Average Customer Rating

1 out of 5 stars from 2 reviews.

32296-Union Savings Bank


[-] means a part of a review was redacted. Names, profanity, phone numbers, account numbers, and email addresses being the main reasons. False positives happen as well, better to ere on the side of safety we think.

1 stars

Reviewed on November 04 2021 by Jason S

I had money continually being took out from [-] account in [-] amounts of $149.99 and I contacted [-] lawyer and was informed to close [-] account so I did just that. I was informed it was closed so I opened another account with a different bank. Somehow [-] money ended up being back into [-] old account when it was supposed to have been closed. I contacted [-] [-] and they [-] that it was set up with [-] [-] account and only way it got sent there is it had got sent there before it got closed but they should have contacted [-] and stopped [-] direct deposit. But, they didn't. And yet again $149.99 was stolen from [-] account. I went to [-] bank and was not friendly this time. I'm not going to be friendly to a bank who allows companies to steal our money and blames [-] customers. When I told them they [-] it was set up with automatic payments. Well, of course, because [-] company probably wants to [-] stealing [-] money!! I didn't set up no automatic payments or enrolled in payments to be took care. They even tried to tell [-] that it can automatically be reopened. I told [-] [-], lawyer, employees, and all have told [-] they've never heard of such a thing and they [-] be letting their friends and everyone know not to bank with USB. I closed it again and left with $149.99 less of [-] paycheck because they failed to protect [-] money and failed as a bank.

1 stars

Reviewed on March 05 2019 by Jeremy B

In [-] of 2018, Mr. [-] Weldy, [-] Vice President of [-] at Union Savings Bank located at 5881 E 82nd St, Indianapolis, IN 46250 helped [-] to get through [-] [-] process. As you can see from [-] attached emails from that time period, Mr. Weldy did not mind [-] calling him late or emailing him late. In fact, [-] even told [-] "God bless."

Now [-] forward to Sunday night 03/05/2019 at 9:00 P.M. I decided to call Mr. Weldy to follow up with him about a document that I thought existed and that I thought I was missing. To be honest, I was not expecting Mr. Weldy to answer his cellphone. When I made [-] call out to Mr. Weldy, I intended in no way to disrupt [-] routine of his evening. As a matter of fact, I thought I was going to get his voicemail, so that I could leave a [-] for him to call [-] back [-] next day.

To [-] surprise, Mr. Weldy answered [-] phone. At [-] end of [-] conversation, Mr. Weldy became defensive and upset and raised his tone/voice at [-]. [-] stated, "You are [-] sick." Right after [-] finished uttering those words, [-] immediately hanged up on [-]. To say [-] least, I was shocked and stunned. [-] very [-] who told [-] "God bless" told [-] "I was [-] sick."

After realizing [-] form that I thought existed did not exist, I immediately called Mr. Weldy [-] next morning before 8:00 A.M. and apologized to him for that. [-] accepted [-] apology.

A little while later, Mr. Weldy called back and left [-] a voicemail advising [-] to retract [-] complaint that I had filed with [-] Better [-] Bureau. I called him and told him that I would not [-] that; I emailed him advising [-] same.

Mr. Weldy then emailed [-] and told [-] that I was [-] one who made [-] mistake. Also, [-] [-] that I called him at 9:00 P.M. resulting in [-] interruption of his "prayer time." [-] then stated that [-] would pray for [-] tonight.

A perusal of [-] attached emails [-] show that Mr. Weldy does not seem to be concerned with "interrupting" [-] 'prayer time' of others. Also, a careful listening of [-] actual recording [-] show that Mr. Weldy was [-] one upset and not myself.

To say [-] least, [-] actions of Mr. Weldy against myself have been unprofessional, deplorable, and rude. If you want this type of service, then [-] to Union Savings Bank. But if you wish to be treated like a human being; then AVOID Union Savings Bank like you would avoid cancer.

Let [-] evidence speak for itself.


In [-] of 2018, Mr. [-] Weldy, [-] Vice President of [-] at Union Savings Bank located at 5881 E 82nd St, Indianapolis, IN 46250 helped [-] to get through [-] [-] process. As you can see from [-] attached emails from that time period, Mr. Weldy did not mind [-] calling him late or emailing him late. In fact, [-] even told [-] "God bless."

Now [-] forward to Sunday night 03/05/2019 at 9:00 P.M. I decided to call Mr. Weldy to follow up with him about a document that I thought existed and that I thought I was missing. To be honest, I was not expecting Mr. Weldy to answer his cellphone. When I made [-] call out to Mr. Weldy, I intended in no way to disrupt [-] routine of his evening. As a matter of fact, I thought I was going to get his voicemail, so that I could leave a [-] for him to call [-] back [-] next day.

To [-] surprise, Mr. Weldy answered [-] phone. At [-] end of [-] conversation, Mr. Weldy became defensive and upset and raised his tone/voice at [-]. [-] stated, "You are [-] sick." Right after [-] finished uttering those words, [-] immediately hanged up on [-]. To say [-] least, I was shocked and stunned. [-] very [-] who told [-] "God bless" told [-] "I was [-] sick."

After realizing [-] form that I thought existed did not exist, I immediately called Mr. Weldy [-] next morning before 8:00 A.M. and apologized to him for that. [-] accepted [-] apology.

A little while later, Mr. Weldy called back and left [-] a voicemail advising [-] to retract [-] complaint that I had filed with [-] Better [-] Bureau. I called him and told him that I would not [-] that; I emailed him advising [-] same.

Mr. Weldy then emailed [-] and told [-] that I was [-] one who made [-] mistake. Also, [-] [-] that I called him at 9:00 P.M. resulting in [-] interruption of his "prayer time." [-] then stated that [-] would pray for [-] tonight.

A perusal of [-] attached emails [-] show that Mr. Weldy does not seem to be concerned with "interrupting" [-] 'prayer time' of others. Also, a careful listening of [-] actual recording [-] show that Mr. Weldy was [-] one upset and not myself.

To say [-] least, [-] actions of Mr. Weldy against myself have been unprofessional, deplorable, and rude. If you want this type of service, then [-] to Union Savings Bank. But if you wish to be treated like a human being; then AVOID Union Savings Bank like you would avoid cancer.

Let [-] evidence speak for itself.


If were possible to rate this bank a 0, I would [-] it in a heartbeat. In [-] of 2018, Mr. [-] Weldy, [-] Vice President of [-] at Union Savings Bank located at 5881 E 82nd St, Indianapolis, IN 46250 helped [-] to get through [-] [-] process. As you can see from [-] attached emails from that time period, Mr. Weldy did not mind [-] calling him late or emailing him late. In fact, [-] even told [-] "God bless."

Now [-] forward to Sunday night 03/05/2019 at 9:00 P.M. I decided to call Mr. Weldy to follow up with him about a document that I thought existed and that I thought I was missing. To be honest, I was not expecting Mr. Weldy to answer his cellphone. When I made [-] call out to Mr. Weldy, I intended in no way to disrupt [-] routine of his evening. As a matter of fact, I thought I was going to get his voicemail, so that I could leave a [-] for him to call [-] back [-] next day.

To [-] surprise, Mr. Weldy answered [-] phone. At [-] end of [-] conversation, Mr. Weldy became defensive and upset and raised his tone/voice at [-]. [-] stated, "You are [-] sick." Right after [-] finished uttering those words, [-] immediately hanged up on [-]. To say [-] least, I was shocked and stunned. [-] very [-] who told [-] "God bless" told [-] "I was [-] sick."

After realizing [-] form that I thought existed did not exist, I immediately called Mr. Weldy [-] next morning before 8:00 A.M. and apologized to him for that. [-] accepted [-] apology.

A little while later, Mr. Weldy called back and left [-] a voicemail advising [-] to retract [-] complaint that I had filed with [-] Better [-] Bureau. I called him and told him that I would not [-] that; I emailed him advising [-] same.

Mr. Weldy then emailed [-] and told [-] that I was [-] one who made [-] mistake. Also, [-] [-] that I called him at 9:00 P.M. resulting in [-] interruption of his "prayer time." [-] then stated that [-] would pray for [-] tonight.

A perusal of [-] attached emails [-] show that Mr. Weldy does not seem to be concerned with "interrupting" [-] 'prayer time' of others. Also, a careful listening of [-] actual recording [-] show that Mr. Weldy was [-] one upset and not myself.

To say [-] least, [-] actions of Mr. Weldy against myself have been unprofessional, deplorable, and rude. If you want this type of service, then [-] to Union Savings Bank. But if you wish to be treated like a human being; then AVOID Union Savings Bank like you would avoid cancer.

Let [-] evidence speak for itself.


[-] Bulthouse

Union Savings Bank Name Changes
The following are other names Union Savings Bank has been known by over the years:

In 2016 their name became: Union Savings Bank.

In 2021 their name became: Union Savings Bank.

Union Savings Bank Headquarters' Locations
The following addresses are where Union Savings Bank has had their headquarters:

Moved From: to 8534 E Kemper Rd, Loveland, OH 45249.

Moved From: 8534 E Kemper Rd to 8534 East Kemper Road, Cincinnati, OH 45249.

Moved From: 8534 E Kemper Rd to 8805 Governors Hill Dr, Hamilton, OH 45249.

Moved From: 8805 Governors Hill Dr to 8805 Governors Hill Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45249.