Regions Bank has 1,286 banking locations. Their corporate headquarters address is listed as: 1900 5th Ave N in Birmingham Alabama.
This corporate page for Regions Bank includes ratings, links to all Regions Bank branch profiles locations, reviews, corporate details, directions, online banking website, and branch locations.
Regions Bank Corporate Headquarters Address:
Regions Bank
1900 5th Ave N
Birmingham, Alabama 35203
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Regions Bank Location Area Map
Bank's Headquarters:
1900 5th Ave N
Birmingham, Alabama 35203
Became FDIC Insured:
Corporate Website:
Bank Class:
Commercial bank, state charter and Fed member, supervised by the Federal Reserve (FRB).
Last Structure Change:
Bank Specialty/Focus:
Commercial Lending Specialization
Bank Holding Company:
Parent FDIC Cert#:
NA - Not listed as a child of a larger bank.
Deposits Held Domestically:
Equity Capital:
Net Income:
Additional Websites where they accept or solicit for deposits:
FDIC Supervisory Region:
Federal Reserve District:
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If that sounds good just use this link:
Regions Bank in Birmingham, Alabama to get their routing number

The following is a listing of all branch offices for Regions Bank - below that are any complaints and ratings available as well as the ability to leave a rating and or a review yourself if you wish :)
To find branches near you it is usually easiest to enter the bank, city, and state in the search box below. Or search by your city at
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Average Customer Rating
3 out of 5 stars from 86 reviews.
12368-Regions Bank
Reviews[-] means a part of a review was redacted. Names, profanity, phone numbers, account numbers, and email addresses being the main reasons. False positives happen as well, better to ere on the side of safety we think.
The following are other names Regions Bank has been known by over the years:
In 1970 their name became: Exchange-Security Bank.
In 1975 their name became: First Alabama Bank of Birmingham.
In 1985 their name became: First Alabama Bank.
In 1997 their name became: Regions Bank.
The following addresses are where Regions Bank has had their headquarters:
Moved From: 8 COMMERCE STREET to 317 North 20th Street, Birmingham, AL 35203.
Moved From: 317 NORTH 20TH STREET to 2005 Fifth Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35202.
Moved From: 2005 FIFTH AVENUE NORTH to 44 First Alabama Plaza, Montgomery, AL 36101.
Moved From: 44 FIRST ALABAMA PLAZA to 417 North Twentieth Street, Birmingham, AL 35203.
Moved From: 417 NORTH TWENTIETH STREET to 1900 Fifth Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35203.
The following shows transitions that are what have ultimately result in Regions Bank becoming what it is today, for better or worse.
First Alabama Bank of Huntsville, N. A. (1985)
First Alabama Bank of Guntersville (1985)
First Alabama Bank of Hartselle (1985)
First Alabama Bank of Talladega County, N.A. (1985)
First Alabama Bank of Baldwin County, N. A. (1985)
First Alabama Bank of Sumter County (1985)
First Alabama Bank of Chilton County (1985)
First Alabama Bank of Phenix City, N. A. (1985)
First Alabama Bank of Lee County, N.A. (1985)
First Alabama Bank of Troy, National Association (1985)
First Alabama Bank of Selma, N. A. (1986)
First Alabama Bank of Cullman (1986)
First Alabama Bank of Lauderdale County (1986)
First Alabama Bank of Athens, N. A. (1986)
First Alabama Bank of Mobile, National Assoication (1986)
First Alabama Bank of Dothan (1986)
First Alabama Bank of Tuscaloosa, N. A. (1986)
First State Bank of Alabama (1986)
Shelby State Bank (1986)
First Citizens Bank of Alabama (1987)
Enterprise Banking Company (1987)
The Albertville National Bank (1988)
The Choctaw Bank of Butler (1988)
First Alabama Bank of Covington County (1988)
The First Bank of Fayette (1994)
Union Bank & Trust Company (1995)
Regions Bank of Georgia (1997)
Regions Bank of Tennessee (1997)
Regions Bank of Florida (1997)
Regions Bank, National Association (1997)
Regions Bank of Louisiana (1998)
Regions Bank (1998)
The Bank of Millen (1998)
Bank of Morgan County (1998)
Smyrna Bank & Trust Company (1998)
First Bank of Georgia (1998)
Allied Bank of Georgia (1998)
Regions Bank, FSB (1998)
Regions Bank, National Association (1998)
Regions Bank, National Association (1998)
First State Bank & Trust Company (1998)
First State Bank and Trust Company in Cordele (1998)
The New Iberia Bank (1998)
Palmetto Federal Savings Bank of South Carolina (1998)
First Commercial Bank, National Association of Memphis (1998)
Citizens First Bank (1998)
State First National Bank (1998)
State First National Bank (1998)
The First National Bank of Palestine (1998)
Tyler Bank and Trust, National Association (1998)
Lufkin National Bank (1998)
Longview National Bank (1998)
Kilgore First National Bank (1998)
The Stone Fort National Bank of Nacogdoches (1998)
The Security Bank (1998)
Arkansas State Bank (1998)
First Commercial Bank, Rogers (1998)
First Commercial Trust Company, National Association (1998)
Morrilton Security Bank, National Association (1998)
The First National Bank of Conway (1998)
First National Bank of Russellville (1998)
Clinton State Bank (1998)
Citizens First Bank (1998)
Citizens First Bank (1998)
Benton State Bank (1998)
Arkansas Bank and Trust Company (1998)
First Commercial Bank, National Association (1998)
The First National Bank of Nashville (1999)
First National Bank (1999)
First Bank of Arkansas (1999)
Springhill Bank & Trust Company (1999)
Greenville National Bank (1999)
Valdosta Bank and Trust (1999)
Etowah Bank (1999)
The Bank of Newnan (1999)
Fayette County Bank (1999)
The St. Mary Bank and Trust Company (1999)
The Village Bank of Florida (1999)
The Arkansas Bank (1999)
The Arkansas Bank National Association (1999)
The Planters Bank (1999)
The Arkansas Bank (1999)
St. James Bank & Trust Company (1999)
Regions Bank, National Association (1999)
Jacobs Bank (2000)
Meigs County Bank (2000)
Bank of Huntland (2000)
Lincoln County Bank (2000)
Minden Bank & Trust Company (2000)
Security First National Bank (2000)
Bank at Ormond-By-The-Sea (2000)
Texas Heritage Bank (2000)
Park Meridian Bank (2002)
First Bank of Texas (2002)
Independence Bank, National Association (2002)
Brookhollow National Bank (2002)
Union Planters Bank, National Association (2005)
Regions Morgan Keegan Trust, F.S.B. (2005)
AmSouth Bank (2007)
EnerBank USA (2021)